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War strategy game

Military war and strategy game that takes you into a fantasy world where you are the total controller of an entire Empire.

La tensión aumenta cada instante pues estarás rodeado de otros imperios dispuestos a aprovechar cualquier debilidad para arrasar con tus ejércitos y arrebatarte las ciudades.

Choose a race between orcs, humans, elves, undead, dwarfs and dark elves to establish your empire.


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Today Rankings

No. Empire Points Country
1 Chevrolet cheyenne #88 13.470 MEX
2 Eyeless #104 13.453 CHL
3 Golden Eye #99 13.380 ESP
4 One-Eye giant #91 13.367 ESP
5 Eye for an eye #78 12.683 ESP
No. Clan Points Imp. Wars
1 BUG 101.583 10 SPN TBP
2 ARW 49.230 10 C2C CAS
3 TBP 39.449 8
No. Empire Points Country
1 EidaThizzzRa #42 5.263 CHL
2 Sol Ring #37 5.190 AND
3 WhiskySolo #57 4.099 ESP
4 Lord Cochrane #49 3.990 URY
5 Bad Batch #6 3.054 COL
No. Clan Points Imp. Wars
1 FUK 14.552 3 L3B T4G 3CA
2 L3B 9.720 3 FUK
3 T4G 7.751 3 NTS FUK
No. Empire Points Country
1 Enano Gruñon N45 #74 2.556 BRA
2 Family Matters #46 2.252 ESP
3 Anatomia de Grey #2 2.217 ESP
4 Hildorien #82 2.203 ARG
5 ANIKIL #39 2.130 CHL
No. Clan Points Imp. Wars
1 TBB 16.493 9 NTS
2 CDI 15.755 10
3 TTT 12.187 10 BBM

Rankings of 2024

users (See complete ranking)
Pos User Points Country
2 WARsword 5703
3 segprom 5598 CHL
4 Jbino 5596 ESP
5 Trieb 5520 MEX
6 Eye13 5336 ESP
7 Gato333 5321 MEX
8 vicent90 5187 ESP
9 Taberner 4885 ARG
10 pachucofir 4812 MEX
Clans (See complete ranking)
Pos Clan Points
1 Triskelions (TTT) 695
2 Arwrwas lladdwr (ARW) 684
3 Ultima legion (ULT) 592
4 Sepionet (SPN) 401
5 Akatsuki (AKA) 398
6 Fumamos ricas yerbas (FRY) 234
7 Sangre y honor (SYH) 150
8 Tres hermanos (3TH) 150
9 Ojo pepe (OPE) 150
10 Enanos tullidos y cosas rotas (ETC) 150
Pos Country Points
1 ESP ESP 178335
2 MEX MEX 167069
3 ARG ARG 117140
4 CHL CHL 72291
5 PER PER 69985
6 COL COL 59754
7 VEN VEN 42625
8 USA USA 37204
9 28218
10 URY URY 27004