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War strategy game

Military war and strategy game that takes you into a fantasy world where you are the total controller of an entire Empire.

La tensión aumenta cada instante pues estarás rodeado de otros imperios dispuestos a aprovechar cualquier debilidad para arrasar con tus ejércitos y arrebatarte las ciudades.

Choose a race between orcs, humans, elves, undead, dwarfs and dark elves to establish your empire.


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Today Rankings

No. Empire Points Country
1 Millers planet #77 6.689 ESP
2 Titania #87 6.659 ARG
3 Spica #68 5.864 COL
4 Sirius #41 5.773 MEX
5 Dark Green #15 5.440 COL
No. Clan Points Imp. Wars
1 TBB 56.019 10
2 UOU 37.523 10 TTT
3 BBM 29.112 10
No. Empire Points Country
1 2009sol90 #15 3.154
2 noentiendolosnicksdemiteam #52 2.973 ESP
3 1989ols09 #16 2.711 MEX
4 9009sol20 #37 2.333 ESP
5 Amanecer Rojo #64 2.303 GBR
No. Clan Points Imp. Wars
1 CBO 13.291 5 5IV
2 SLV 9.815 5
3 DVN 9.247 5
No. Empire Points Country
1 Helado de Chocolate #54 253 CHL
2 Sergenius #62 204 BRA
3 Puromoro #76 191 ESP
4 Pico Dulce #17 183 ARG
5 Bocadillo Veleño #98 180 COL
No. Clan Points Imp. Wars

Rankings of 2025