Ratings Empire-Strike

How is the rating calculated?

Very simple, they are counted only those empires in the top 500 of each game. Collect as many points as 500 minus your rating classification and the winner takes 500 points, the second would take 499 and so on until 1 point for classified at position five hundred.

In addition bonus 1000 points to 1, 900 for the 2nd, 800 to 3, 700 to 4, 600 for the 5th, 500 for the 6th, 400 for the 7th, 300 to 8, 200 for the 9th and 100 for 10th place.
Usuario Partidas jugadas Rating
3301. antipoda oscura 6 2260
3302. flakky 7 2260
3303. RiperJak 10 2259
3304. pupas 6 2259
3305. Ronnin2 8 2258
3306. gabrielbojorquez34 6 2258
3307. Rey de Elderion 6 2257
3308. KAMASCCA 7 2256
3309. lagarrapata 7 2256
3310. -Genghis- 13 2255
3311. reino treck 8 2255
3312. Strike-anywhere 6 2255
3313. samur 8 2254
3314. almalc2024 6 2254
3315. Ganimedes 8 2254
3316. DonMiguel 9 2254
3317. El Duende Vainilla 8 2253
3318. Cana 8 2253
3319. froid 10 2253
3320. caña 8 2253
3321. Assassins Brian 7 2252
3322. Danifex 10 2252
3323. espionaje88 8 2251
3324. N4IB4F 8 2251
3325. altoshaters 7 2250
3326. Tanaris 7 2250
3327. rhmmadrigal 5 2250
3328. gaborey73 9 2249
3329. ARCONTE 8 2249
3330. fgffffffffffff 3 2249
3331. expe... 6 2249
3332. salva6992 6 2248
3333. juliopipa 12 2247
3334. El Hum 7 2246
3335. 123Probando Elfos 6 2246
3336. xelo-hbk 10 2245
3337. Imperio otoñaño 11 2244
3338. vvictor 9 2244
3339. Aybara 3 2244
3340. Kpatxita 8 2244
3341. mosqtero 14 2243
3342. valentin14 16 2242
3343. adivina1 10 2242
3344. azote reload 4 2241
3345. El aconsejado por lo 7 2240
3346. Negasata 8 2239
3347. sphyco 8 2239
3348. Cano2 6 2239
3349. Roody Poo 7 2238
3350. killermiller5140 6 2238
3351. edu2030 5 2238
3352. jos9020 8 2237
3353. Mercenaty 8 2236
3354. markusov 7 2235
3355. EMPERADOR NECRO 13 2232
3356. Enano maldito 4 2232
3357. Piltrafa el Grande 8 2232
3358. muskari 7 2231
3359. LordKano 6 2231
3360. Jackles 9 2228
3361. Sakras 9 2228
3362. poncelopezcristobal 8 2228
3363. Efevo 9 2227
3364. Arturitor2d2 7 2226
3365. ARTILLER VI 7 2226
3366. mariamarrupe343 8 2225
3367. Xavi 9 2225
3368. sardetres 13 2223
3369. cualquierlorena 4 2223
3370. HISPANYA2 8 2223
3371. CoNeJoO 6 2222
3372. pablocarp2005 12 2222
3373. hellpboy 10 2221
3374. mariobros 9 2221
3375. Shiro.Ichigawa 8 2221
3376. PRoJeCT ZeRo 5 2219
3377. Ing Industrioso 7 2219
3378. pepevionico 6 2219
3379. restarix10 7 2219
3380. Capitan Han Solo 6 2218
3381. manueljesus.estay 6 2217
3382. Tulipan de 5 colores 8 2214
3383. Ajenaton 10 2213
3384. eru9900 11 2211
3385. Luzbeliasta 12 2210
3386. capitan nudillos 12 2208
3387. thinhio 10 2208
3388. Scipion 6 2207
3389. kroketa 8 2207
3390. GesuL 8 2206
3391. Disame 7 2204
3392. Blacklord72 8 2203
3393. Rex Banner 6 2203
3394. Donllama 6 2203
3395. gorod 7 2202
3396. GeneralFailure 11 2201
3397. 7 days 6 2201
3398. Viper-black 8 2198
3399. puertomazaga1964 11 2198
3400. RaVeNeR 8 2198