Ratings Empire-Strike

How is the rating calculated?

Very simple, they are counted only those empires in the top 500 of each game. Collect as many points as 500 minus your rating classification and the winner takes 500 points, the second would take 499 and so on until 1 point for classified at position five hundred.

In addition bonus 1000 points to 1, 900 for the 2nd, 800 to 3, 700 to 4, 600 for the 5th, 500 for the 6th, 400 for the 7th, 300 to 8, 200 for the 9th and 100 for 10th place.
User Rating
1401. shirohigue 332
1402. pencosama 332
1403. Irily2 332
1404. ferr3r 332
1405. lLimthir 332
1406. miguelm67 332
1407. dvizcaya 332
1408. aquipara 331
1409. AeroganGuerra 330
1410. XavierSfd 330
1411. Juaaaann 330
1412. Marioalb 330
1413. Mc Poeta 330
1414. Apocalypto Fury 330
1415. irslan lahcene 329
1416. Xav13r 329
1417. maggoquista 329
1418. jasonmd 328
1419. Roglindon 328
1420. arnold2114 328
1421. DarkNatsu12 328
1422. Crismi 327
1423. RobertoLópez 327
1424. Grelo V 327
1425. Azul azul verde 327
1426. christiansierraaguil 327
1427. JasonHeaney 327
1428. kronako 327
1429. jazzito 327
1430. Darth Peter 326
1431. prim3rkroom 326
1432. pamar 325
1433. COCOLI 325
1434. the dealer 325
1435. Genghis Khan II 325
1436. ZADITH 325
1437. u2047881 325
1438. alphafullx 325
1439. ARNAU E-B 324
1440. FERVOR2787 324
1441. Nestlesin 323
1442. Assassins Brian 323
1443. chewui 322
1444. nathalie21899 322
1445. HitinzsZ 322
1446. ale94127 322
1447. P4toc4rlos 321
1448. falcon4556 321
1449. Hansolopty 321
1450. bayonetta01 321
1451. Temita pa ti 320
1452. H-ZAIRUS 319
1453. picuro07 319
1454. GHCSK8 319
1455. renzono 319
1456. Gabelogan 319
1457. Conquistador267 318
1458. John Mullins 318
1459. sykiakk 318
1460. Lord Darkblade 318
1461. OkamiKuromi 318
1462. Amy Barrios 317
1463. yuno013 317
1464. livec 317
1465. SoloGame 317
1466. la muerte esta cerca 317
1467. Searched 317
1468. PablitoSebastian 316
1469. BrandonIcebergWaldro 316
1470. nixteo 316
1471. pepe vazquez 316
1472. NashhDRivera 315
1473. dil007 315
1474. arlongpark 315
1475. Gyraz 315
1476. josemanuelariasparej 315
1477. Odiz3uz 314
1478. Dozier 314
1479. T4cost4o 314
1480. yakitus 314
1481. Vmat 313
1482. Garcil 313
1483. Kazeh1 312
1484. pablo ro 312
1485. salmisalmi 311
1486. edinsonELFD 311
1487. Ixilion 311
1488. flower and bad 311
1489. VlazerD.Scarlet 311
1490. guedcova 311
1491. Iareth 310
1492. rhgm1973 310
1493. Rumanigue 310
1494. yugenya 310
1495. mdjunaidalam79 310
1496. kokiosses 309
1497. Skiatgg 309
1498. u2047993 309
1499. metiropara 309
1500. solotillo 309