Ratings Empire-Strike

How is the rating calculated?

Very simple, they are counted only those empires in the top 500 of each game. Collect as many points as 500 minus your rating classification and the winner takes 500 points, the second would take 499 and so on until 1 point for classified at position five hundred.

In addition bonus 1000 points to 1, 900 for the 2nd, 800 to 3, 700 to 4, 600 for the 5th, 500 for the 6th, 400 for the 7th, 300 to 8, 200 for the 9th and 100 for 10th place.
User Rating
2201. chami 188
2202. dat64558 188
2203. Riquelme87 187
2204. Fafner93 187
2205. Dios Dragon 187
2206. darkjusep 187
2207. AllanFranklinBrewste 187
2208. lORD KADAR 187
2209. radamanthyzz 186
2210. KvS 186
2211. TinaroIgnacio 186
2212. elais 186
2213. Alejoh 186
2214. Arkhan 186
2215. bryan7777 186
2216. cardevalencia 186
2217. skyfirechispa 185
2218. Nit Minstrel 185
2219. yalek 185
2220. pukipuki1988 185
2221. alucard el inmortal 185
2222. Alk-Arajo 185
2223. Dragonfly blue 185
2224. dios caido 185
2225. Destrero 184
2226. BRAYAN93 184
2227. VladimirRazvanMorar 184
2228. the zodiac 184
2229. marekrampalski 184
2230. KarenBartsch 184
2231. master-shion 183
2232. ChoirulU 183
2233. ISIDROv 183
2234. diuyome97 183
2235. Gintarei 183
2236. hoLyheRoE 183
2237. thun 182
2238. herakle 182
2239. aidemarm 182
2240. zucotti75 182
2241. VladislavStara 182
2242. luicito010 182
2243. gorod 182
2244. elpapadeloshelados 182
2245. Rollinz 182
2246. brianq390 182
2247. Peter el grande 182
2248. Luzbeliasta 181
2249. burapakongsomot 181
2250. BlackSwann 181
2251. menphis85 181
2252. betitoabate 181
2253. MouadNeymar 181
2254. Astair 181
2255. Gadgimax 181
2256. El salvaje ET 181
2257. carl00oos 181
2258. Murtzi46 181
2259. JorgeFigueira 181
2260. Musas3k 181
2261. Jask319 180
2262. carlos.cortez.0715 180
2264. AL-ISKANDER 180
2265. Frikencio 180
2266. Old-Man-XXI 180
2267. delta1 180
2268. u2046897 180
2269. lycan117 180
2270. josejose228 180
2271. Cithariel 180
2272. maik10 180
2273. kooldamy 179
2274. castillogarsiaalejan 179
2275. barcelinista 179
2276. Rixor 179
2277. LaloToledano 179
2278. MohmmadHwara 179
2279. aalbert.garcia 179
2280. perreo_t473 179
2281. del Valencia 179
2282. juan94gm 178
2283. maikmuerte 178
2284. razorxpro 178
2285. WadeWatkins 178
2286. leonardo14 178
2287. Randal22 178
2288. lovil 178
2289. u2045325 178
2290. LuizC.Gonçalves 178
2291. RaySnock 178
2292. arneb 178
2293. talianel 178
2294. wolfdaniken 178
2295. dragonesdefuego 177
2296. asiertxo27 177
2297. Areksanthr 177
2298. zozinozai 177
2299. JuankarJK7 177
2300. maquimo1992 177