Ratings Empire-Strike

How is the rating calculated?

Very simple, they are counted only those empires in the top 500 of each game. Collect as many points as 500 minus your rating classification and the winner takes 500 points, the second would take 499 and so on until 1 point for classified at position five hundred.

In addition bonus 1000 points to 1, 900 for the 2nd, 800 to 3, 700 to 4, 600 for the 5th, 500 for the 6th, 400 for the 7th, 300 to 8, 200 for the 9th and 100 for 10th place.
User Rating
2601. AkshayBodara 145
2602. MartinezAriel 145
2603. MarceloAntonioDx 145
2604. ctgytq431 145
2605. -bolido- 144
2606. MélaniePerrault 144
2607. oggunonile 144
2608. BillKassidy 144
2609. kaisermzn 144
2610. PhoenixGF 144
2611. Ryu2017 144
2612. rafaeltemplario 144
2613. barbara.suhurt 144
2614. faqqqqqqq 144
2615. DavidDorman 144
2616. elsacri14 143
2617. MegalodonUcraniano 143
2618. b_i_mariotrabajo 143
2619. AdrianoPangaribuanJu 143
2620. ugartinator 143
2621. kleivi0123 143
2622. alexander609123 143
2623. u2048651 143
2624. IsmaelPolanco 143
2625. jaimesaguilarolivia 143
2626. awim495 143
2627. eworojasv 143
2628. oscar ocas 142
2629. dencan321 142
2630. hola crayola lepe 142
2631. LeonidesSpartanci 142
2632. el que folla 142
2633. LuisM.Goncalves 142
2634. muernos-123456 141
2635. Cheloxwolf 141
2636. Sneva 141
2637. Eogan 141
2638. Caracol23 141
2639. carlosveliz14 141
2640. hidans 141
2641. castezara 141
2642. kolhelger 141
2643. Heroender82 140
2644. cemea.vm 140
2645. peneses 140
2646. TangoRex92 140
2647. peiobla99 140
2648. Siberian Emperor 140
2649. u2045582 140
2650. MarianoBenitez 140
2651. ehuehue16 140
2652. richardyu 140
2653. JOSUERO 139
2654. u2047541 139
2655. EmanuelMoreno 139
2656. StefanBanica 139
2657. hgyyyyyyyyyyyy 139
2658. Cold Shadow 139
2659. LuisAlejandroHermida 139
2660. MonoranuAna 139
2661. willialejo97 139
2662. Toresu 139
2663. El mas feliz 139
2664. MarkLenkeit 138
2665. scdos 138
2666. xacobolopez 138
2667. u2048621 138
2668. alex.chavesmata 138
2669. AdityaBhutoria 138
2670. LeonardoCerquera 138
2671. 19531008s 138
2672. frodo bascoy 137
2673. calculiom 137
2674. Scharleau 137
2675. chapelon 137
2676. Stroar 137
2677. hectorbond56 137
2678. the-darkman123 137
2679. AhmedBenCheikh 137
2680. 4marco1 137
2681. seba martinez 137
2682. Algus Virgo 137
2683. PuchyFernandez 137
2684. rokosovski 137
2685. Lucangel99 136
2686. dlportel 136
2687. Dokzud 136
2688. JahanzaibMirza 136
2689. darkjosu 136
2690. JoséMárquezExon 136
2691. tinkis00 136
2692. jtabo 136
2693. Akitemato 136
2694. AcácioTrindade 136
2695. MaxVillalobos 136
2696. derederederede 135
2697. Joxmal 135
2698. GabrielIgnacioJimene 135
2699. diegoacl0307 135
2700. williander 135