Ratings Empire-Strike

How is the rating calculated?

Very simple, they are counted only those empires in the top 500 of each game. Collect as many points as 500 minus your rating classification and the winner takes 500 points, the second would take 499 and so on until 1 point for classified at position five hundred.

In addition bonus 1000 points to 1, 900 for the 2nd, 800 to 3, 700 to 4, 600 for the 5th, 500 for the 6th, 400 for the 7th, 300 to 8, 200 for the 9th and 100 for 10th place.
User Rating
201. DJKDDDD 2388
202. ariva 2376
203. Jbino 2367
204. johnandres 2339
205. Yami Yue 2333
206. Yami2018 2326
207. Maestro en ataque 2321
208. churro25 2320
209. LoveMetaL 2011 2320
210. maquimo1992 2319
211. Nigsten 2312
212. Byrus V 2296
213. CjavierG 2291
214. fonan 2273
215. pesanvento 2268
216. eagraus 2266
217. Nicolai22 2262
218. Anicetor 2261
219. katupyry.00 2261
220. Anciano con Suerte 2249
221. Jazy1992 2235
222. Jethro Tull 2232
223. Castor12 2216
224. PNtreytor 2205
225. -Acosta- 2205
226. ronnebeck PY 2180
227. racatasss 2149
228. blastmrdpirinxopir 2148
229. muerto viviente 2140
230. 11otto11 2119
231. dannyop 2104
232. rakenkimil 2090
233. D4rthVader 2088
234. Pakobullo 2087
235. lirrax 2086
236. quimi91 2075
237. estremadoyro95 2075
238. dabex 2073
239. paquidermo 2071
240. Gustavomarti 2068
241. mocavala 2060
242. JuniorJohn 2053
243. alderbercks 2028
244. - ZEL - 2023
245. AleRivera 2017
246. omarlocon88 1997
247. sistemasudenar 1989
248. reynaldo1998 1978
249. Planter 1978
250. LatINNA 1974
251. junot 1973
252. ElxxSolxxAzteca 1958
253. Marta no me pegues 1945
254. nemexis 1933
255. SirKholer 1930
256. abuelo-marty 1928
257. robynature 1923
258. ramonlopezolivares 1913
259. lcvfgsf 1912
260. pedropvgm 1910
261. rogermas 1909
262. benjabaroni.u 1900
263. sebas millon 1893
264. genarin 1889
265. DarKZeuZ90 1884
266. - - Argentino - - 1877
267. LordWingestein 1875
268. andresandro 1874
269. Reydragon 1872
270. eric jlq 1869
271. putoli 1867
272. Fabro 1859
273. -74-AuRiNeGrO-77- 1828
274. jmezaarcia 1822
275. DarkDaisuke 1813
276. hag41 1808
277. MijaelAdonia 1807
278. Brayitam 1802
279. Carcuro 1802
280. DVampire 1798
281. fuentin 1796
282. Grigori Melekhov 1788
283. cathumus 1787
284. Alvero 1785
285. DE LA RIVERA 1781
286. fiora 1778
287. gorod 1776
288. Yahveh Luis 1774
289. Rey Lich 1765
290. lsalinasv 1765
291. lescapri 1761
292. Fakepredator 1760
293. BOORES16 1750
294. xido 1750
295. LuX-O 1745
296. nicolaslallana 1743
297. Doc83 1727
298. Johny Bravo- ALM- TN 1719
299. reiker18 1717
300. Bicho de luz 1716