Ratings Empire-Strike

How is the rating calculated?

Very simple, they are counted only those empires in the top 500 of each game. Collect as many points as 500 minus your rating classification and the winner takes 500 points, the second would take 499 and so on until 1 point for classified at position five hundred.

In addition bonus 1000 points to 1, 900 for the 2nd, 800 to 3, 700 to 4, 600 for the 5th, 500 for the 6th, 400 for the 7th, 300 to 8, 200 for the 9th and 100 for 10th place.
Usuario Rating
3701. Byrus V 106
3702. crucesbelendelcarmen 105
3703. dinethhiru628 105
3704. buenoyeferson904 105
3705. nomer1oleg 105
3706. kervellypaixao 105
3707. distribuidorasummer2 105
3708. xxalexx07 105
3709. u2077949 104
3710. cottoneclaudio80 104
3711. nilsonhenriquerodrig 104
3712. felipeluiscrack 104
3713. hashmata926 104
3714. guibsrpg 104
3715. 283032486814871 104
3716. fc362059 104
3717. carlosdavidramirezna 104
3718. julianvcf 103
3719. matiasponcerojas 103
3720. priseerman 103
3721. ignacio24 103
3722. alejo.94.moncada 103
3723. veniaminkurlapov 103
3724. u2080335 102
3725. juangariarodriguez 102
3726. janama1984 102
3727. 259003256270818 102
3728. vanevskimilos23 102
3729. 680948139960386 102
3730. nicolasgerling1 102
3731. 1008667702999413 102
3732. 500845781120703 102
3733. OttoMayer 101
3734. myordin328 101
3735. agusemmaney 101
3736. cris_deosorio 101
3737. 393011489195177 101
3738. bisaland 101
3739. magdiel.encuesta18 101
3740. vace 535 101
3741. relizanemazouna48 101
3742. guidominotti2021 101
3743. gleidediaz 101
3744. jonfp.88 101
3745. Didor22 101
3746. u2078629 100
3747. alezanderm.18 100
3748. bntwatybdalrhym07 100
3749. minesekutorreturn 100
3750. ahmdjywlyqwbsyd 100
3751. fabiansosa1968 100
3752. jessicalillyheyck311 100
3753. danielsantaella8 100
3754. sergio.parra 100
3755. romangallego3000 100
3756. 175551241327561 100
3757. 920665082043105 99
3758. lospinosaravia 99
3759. 145809841058586 99
3760. 1462534644107096 99
3761. biohazard12 99
3762. denniecortez07 99
3763. u2080352 99
3764. diegoruizpupo 98
3765. nguyenngocmanh1188 98
3766. bogdan.zavyalov08 98
3767. u2077595 98
3768. jorgejaviermoralesga 98
3769. gengisaraul 98
3770. miguelfigueroa105q 98
3771. diego_ferrer_vazquez 98
3772. ManuelRoger-Molina 98
3773. fathorirama 97
3774. samdenver.cabral 97
3775. simonrodriguezjarami 97
3776. sanggalanjoseph 97
3777. jordibboada1 97
3778. harminstall 97
3779. selimorazmyradow95 96
3780. contreraalberto627 96
3781. 103402 96
3782. gustavobronze5 96
3783. mariaevangelinaavell 96
3784. XavierNicolásRodrig 96
3785. 539836814018177 96
3786. josefidel8166 96
3787. 898412081108222 96
3788. diegoxino89 96
3789. jarvanvin 95
3790. alan.seror 95
3791. jeymibenavente 95
3792. mastrantoniig 95
3793. ciastokruche 95
3794. u2078272 95
3795. em777999b 95
3796. camcast3467 95
3797. 118322663971801 94
3798. garciapedroespinoza0 94
3799. carlosjordimail 94
3800. hectorcoronadodemocr 94