Ratings Empire-Strike

How is the rating calculated?

Very simple, they are counted only those empires in the top 500 of each game. Collect as many points as 500 minus your rating classification and the winner takes 500 points, the second would take 499 and so on until 1 point for classified at position five hundred.

In addition bonus 1000 points to 1, 900 for the 2nd, 800 to 3, 700 to 4, 600 for the 5th, 500 for the 6th, 400 for the 7th, 300 to 8, 200 for the 9th and 100 for 10th place.
User Rating
401. WILLY III 1141
402. alexandre x 1136
403. TurKo16 1135
404. LordWingestein 1123
405. rey valdes 1114
406. Kawa78 1113
407. jorgeferreros 1099
408. Tentaculos458 1099
409. zlodik 1098
410. nigthmarezero 1096
411. alessiashaday1994 1095
412. Asiel21 1095
413. romanperez170793 1095
414. patiyas 1090
415. mandiocafc 1090
416. marianosof 1085
417. davidisaacp25 1076
418. SaiyanSSJ 1075
419. Sirius Star 1074
420. isaacnoda2201 1074
421. creacionescambero 1069
422. AnthonyFJ 1067
423. miguelgzflores 1065
424. ingrida.ackgotranspo 1058
425. prietoalv 1056
426. lalelilolujaja 1056
427. juanjotumpe10 1054
428. - - Argentino - - 1052
429. thesealer09 1050
430. gonzalorave7 1049
431. diegogajardo2021 1047
432. reycarpincho 1045
433. daniloh.07.91 1037
434. edwhen2014 1033
435. elpanchoasesino1 1029
436. Halcon Vol 1028
437. juancamayan 1027
438. Medina2204 1025
439. cristobalgomez627 1024
440. matiaslagos394 1023
441. asoteasota6 1022
442. ruizrodriguezluisemi 1021
443. apoyomicroempresaria 1019
444. andres17nba 1015
445. Yahveh Luis 1011
446. juantuneado129 1008
447. 1111o1111 1006
448. jcmruv 1005
449. Blackumo nor 1004
450. clarabersotti 992
451. Ganlfsiny 984
452. marianodesde 978
453. paladin546 977
454. fumanchu733 977
455. u2080951 966
456. Jyu Viole 964
457. dagoti.1995 962
458. PuCcA17 962
459. Joss321 961
460. guirard79 960
461. dark redd 960
462. Tony-Hawks 960
463. Cosquillas 959
464. zepolnomar74 957
465. rasheed 957
466. samuelcristancho3019 942
467. Lightdown666 926
468. adriansevillejasanch 925
469. adriansevillejasanch 925
470. sethshu 924
471. levintoto18 922
472. petitcriminoleg 920
473. osdanielfemuhe 920
474. godoyezequiel115 919
475. dedaluss 917
476. Kalirogru 916
477. XavierSfd 907
478. mabelrojas2011 904
479. llagho.moto 903
480. 550365406728788 900
481. percylawson78 895
482. Andre32 892
483. Horahola451 890
484. noeliacolombo.1985 889
485. arturopigeon354 887
486. XYZ123 887
487. zoemya2526 885
488. zuleidefontenele56 884
489. garumiru 875
490. fg21171 874
491. noncvro 874
492. julysanyo 873
493. Darkblade 872
494. antraxsanchez1106 870
495. o1socak47 869
496. manumrtnz2 867
497. dacaisra 865
498. darkangel84 863
499. leongameht53 863
500. knd144 859