Ratings Empire-Strike

How is the rating calculated?

Very simple, they are counted only those empires in the top 500 of each game. Collect as many points as 500 minus your rating classification and the winner takes 500 points, the second would take 499 and so on until 1 point for classified at position five hundred.

In addition bonus 1000 points to 1, 900 for the 2nd, 800 to 3, 700 to 4, 600 for the 5th, 500 for the 6th, 400 for the 7th, 300 to 8, 200 for the 9th and 100 for 10th place.
Utente Classifica
1101. juanitobarracuda 344
1102. Cain el misericordio 343
1103. gonzakb 343
1104. bilalamjad00764 343
1105. KingRayquaza 343
1106. nettolopez495 343
1107. andresgarvizu94 342
1108. r.alfonso.escalante 342
1109. RIST2020 342
1110. jimy.htk 342
1111. aymanibrahim.eg 342
1112. abubockor294 341
1113. Krotaso 341
1114. abraham.romerom.9 341
1115. CamachoFalomirII 341
1116. Lasek Stone 341
1117. Koop 341
1118. Susukiruta 341
1119. halof 340
1120. pangilinannally 340
1121. macj.geek 340
1122. jlyusnz 340
1123. otamo 340
1124. javier1376705 339
1125. Fcharito 339
1126. jfloresl02 339
1127. willyh 339
1128. pedrogras86 338
1129. Zalomau 338
1130. lacomarcapm 338
1131. mamanibeymar129 338
1132. anassebarni56 338
1133. alfilito 337
1134. DaniGarciaKingJames 337
1135. Lord Sazu 337
1136. adrianjmr 336
1137. reiniertf 335
1138. u2079183 335
1139. juancarlosceres21 335
1140. vkalyanakumarv 335
1141. jooso1504 334
1142. DanielGualbertoMarre 334
1143. lapuertathealcala 334
1144. hhdbdndnns0 334
1145. librame309 333
1146. Guerrero Boanerges 333
1147. Soulless Incubus 333
1148. francouru22 333
1149. ignaciojimenezperezo 333
1150. eliaslaco 332
1151. janetfranco742 332
1152. SheriffR1 332
1153. seanafkaner 332
1154. Dark TRaidor 332
1155. asthalisnostherlight 331
1156. jmcovello 331
1157. Thrash Mayhem 331
1158. vikingmalaga 330
1159. jhuniorleon.99 330
1160. juanjosetognozzi 330
1161. melocotonton3 330
1162. monsterking 330
1163. Hellclinkz 329
1164. u2059503 329
1165. lazarodaviddiazrodri 329
1166. anuwarhossanbabu 329
1167. luisangelfuenteslope 328
1168. arqzone89 328
1169. lucho204 328
1170. meloncitotufo 328
1171. habececomer 328
1172. shiryu 328
1173. FedeAndres 327
1174. eduardoparedes32332 327
1175. Danyysk 327
1176. Aeroblack 327
1177. Dvd9401 326
1178. naco11 326
1179. lcisergiosaldivar 326
1180. pscalcina 326
1181. norlenramos00001025 326
1182. dsm241200 326
1183. gift.tree2019 325
1184. wolf1sc 325
1185. chevashtardo 325
1186. manuel1611 325
1187. codigovirgo 325
1188. GunsNRoses 324
1189. barzamendi1989 324
1190. davidwd96 324
1191. sergi76 324
1192. 01123581321 324
1193. theelvito 324
1194. rianikotakuerror 324
1195. eloyedalava 323
1196. dilanquispe539 323
1197. hackgenerationsfoxne 323
1198. allax 323
1199. ojonathanleandro 323
1200. Stryders 323