Ratings Empire-Strike

How is the rating calculated?

Very simple, they are counted only those empires in the top 500 of each game. Collect as many points as 500 minus your rating classification and the winner takes 500 points, the second would take 499 and so on until 1 point for classified at position five hundred.

In addition bonus 1000 points to 1, 900 for the 2nd, 800 to 3, 700 to 4, 600 for the 5th, 500 for the 6th, 400 for the 7th, 300 to 8, 200 for the 9th and 100 for 10th place.
User Rating
101. franciscoguest 2418
102. Valentin2020 2415
103. chucho813 2410
104. travieso1 2402
105. cafiro777 2401
106. Darltan 2386
107. Warzone123 2363
108. clonar2 2347
109. onepok 2337
110. Nano_Magnus 2330
111. bopethd 2327
112. MoralTC 2310
113. otreboon 2305
114. ravenzgz 2300
115. manolitogodin 2299
116. IsraelJesus 2298
117. clonod4411 2295
118. Dekagor 2282
119. braindamagekill 2265
120. T3RC1A 2259
121. capellan moruno 2230
122. mc864520 2209
123. u2078834 2208
124. Anis cartujo 2190
125. Canceluz 2176
126. tombarkel9933 2173
127. yordanoc930 2167
128. javier1376705 2158
129. oso negro 22 2158
130. lordsimeone 2151
131. Erick Perdido 2144
132. jff0421 2144
133. ferpinzon123rodri 2134
134. manuel.campa.com 2134
135. yahircampa761 2133
136. javier.leonchi2 2120
137. OberynMartell 2116
138. DVampire 2105
139. kmo109 2103
140. gemini23 2099
141. SantoGrial puro 2093
142. infinit 2091
143. bautistaferreyra007 2090
144. anyosa.l.cesar 2086
145. mjx3385 2083
146. rafaeleele 2074
147. rosnayoc 2073
148. u2083960 2069
149. Todo88 2026
150. macj19 2009
151. zexarcore 2005
152. jlgarcia 1997
153. GranKakaRoto 1994
154. Nightmare 13 1990
155. Rapero Macabro 1979
156. franciscoguest54 1978
157. bahiense 1948
158. nemexis 1943
159. juanjotumpe10 1930
160. jorge.saenz.galindo 1898
161. Diego Xino 1889
162. virbius 1868
163. dundofran 1843
164. lsaavedrag 1833
165. lualesp7 1831
166. laboultratec 1829
167. DarkDaisuke 1822
168. ksyjoyas 1802
169. Thorin7 1787
170. Codex Extintion Grou 1776
171. F4ra 1764
172. yakubay 1728
173. EphemeralMan 1721
174. Cpato879 1720
175. fafa muchano 1716
176. GesuL 1702
177. Jukuna 1700
178. - - Argentino - - 1696
180. alfaboutiquebalcarce 1687
181. Angel del abismo 1683
182. erangel.ops 1661
183. Zera-tul 1655
184. Althan7 1638
185. yamirpeltier08 1620
186. rey-leon 1616
187. DoomerBoy 1611
188. LAS OVEJAS 1603
189. Los ancestros del fu 1602
190. nawarre2 1592
191. Sniperxx 1570
192. acuerdosdigitales 1566
193. jheiber 1554
194. Papahead 1552
195. mognatalez 1551
196. Razones trigonometri 1544
197. lualesp6 1533
198. Shadowjera95 1529
199. almalc2024 1526
200. elfa2- 1521