Ratings Empire-Strike

How is the rating calculated?

Very simple, they are counted only those empires in the top 500 of each game. Collect as many points as 500 minus your rating classification and the winner takes 500 points, the second would take 499 and so on until 1 point for classified at position five hundred.

In addition bonus 1000 points to 1, 900 for the 2nd, 800 to 3, 700 to 4, 600 for the 5th, 500 for the 6th, 400 for the 7th, 300 to 8, 200 for the 9th and 100 for 10th place.
Usuario Rating
2001. ihsan_72 121
2002. munozyunior124 121
2003. u2082818 120
2004. angiealvarado221 120
2005. jeferson.mmonsalve 119
2006. aleamatta95 119
2007. trusun 119
2008. glamuzinasilvia 118
2009. pequezere 118
2010. kiritosato9 117
2011. lordmara18 117
2012. cristianchicangana98 117
2013. tindoe2005 117
2014. juanpablogarciarodri 116
2015. tanjila220212 116
2016. zalandhakhan23 115
2017. jesusivanguevarapozo 115
2018. perezperezd416 115
2019. libreria.corregidora 115
2020. luissiso57 114
2021. amaniasy971 114
2022. fabiolaavellan821 113
2023. Ivan Paterna 113
2024. 122129106950011671 113
2025. sichongwececilia6 112
2026. nsubugaarnold57 112
2027. rapidpat 112
2028. jo2444461 112
2029. charlescumal34 112
2030. olasunkanmiademola94 111
2031. quren.rohuerfilms 111
2032. riteshsingh.vision 111
2033. josemonla505 111
2034. cristofero844 110
2035. elimusonda3 110
2036. escalaanton 110
2037. blandaariel557 110
2038. maurosolorzano85 109
2039. yy1897701 109
2040. patrickejembi239 109
2041. MATIAS4904390 108
2042. yuberhenade 108
2043. 181786181587723 108
2044. raycelmedina03 107
2045. ashwinamos213 107
2046. u2083380 107
2047. gussy22.gr 106
2048. azizjabar1983 106
2049. lora27907 106
2050. jabesmorenohonores10 106
2051. jonejuvtns_165690482 105
2052. nicolasroduieleznico 105
2053. b6871490 105
2054. santosinisuna8 104
2055. 1399124030946706 104
2056. jim498673 103
2057. max077727 103
2058. yoseilanavilaramirez 103
2059. 225291457195705 103
2060. dhanurjaygouda45 102
2061. mdmominulhosan547 101
2062. marshallmeyer29 101
2063. cecs6220 101
2064. wadadajohn151 100
2065. alamkhan220094 100
2066. baadshahafghan13 100
2067. iimadatmane 100
2068. 103eid 100
2069. gansiadonmirga 99
2070. waldo.navea.a 99
2071. jo6400491 99
2072. hectorbulnes40 98
2073. luislugominecraft 98
2074. andersonpm.machado 97
2075. odalisgomez923 97
2076. hassanhazan 96
2077. adhiambokaus450 95
2078. vguardado853 95
2079. eldragonnegro.2020 95
2080. md8789033 95
2081. argeniscarlos.12 94
2082. 147748272267878 93
2083. chiloabuela9 93
2084. yoisistorres3 93
2085. jasimuddinjnu2 92
2086. la.r.de.las.letras2 92
2087. frhn550011 91
2088. aksifjeksj 91
2089. 267397969551383 91
2090. joseluisviera342 90
2091. 126728396235732 90
2092. juancarlos19503236ev 89
2093. youceftahri2006 89
2094. u2083539 89
2095. nancy.paredescar 89
2096. islamarmina12 88
2097. z0394366 88
2098. haydeerivera1946 86
2099. caballerodirian9 86
2100. dharmendarkumardas72 84