Special abilities and magics
All heroes have a certain chance to learn some special ability when leveling up. These skills will make them much more powerful in combat. Broadly speaking, two types of skills can be distinguished:
- Those that boost the hero's attack, multiplying the number of casualties he causes in combat..
- Those that increase the parameters of the troops under his command.
Except in adventures, the skills will only be effective when the hero is motivated to attack, and this will depend directly on his level and number of troops under his command. Up to and including level 4, heroes always attack motivated, so they can make use of their special abilities.
Even if your hero attacks motivated, there are certain abilities that will only work under specific circumstances, such as attacking a city with a certain defensive system, attacking a certain race or type of troop (for example, those that fly), etc. These abilities do not always work, but they are usually more devastating than abilities that always work.
Some skills are also exclusive to a certain type of hero, for example, expert archer is exclusive to thieves, Astrology to mages and priests, etc.
While skills can be obtained by leveling up the hero, they can also be exchanged for rubies. There is no limitation in the amount of skills that a hero can have, neither by level, although the total depends on the type of hero (there are exclusive skills by type of hero) and the total of existing skills for each hero, for example for thief the maximum is 10.
The dark elves race has a 25% extra chance to obtain a special ability for their heroes at each level step.
Priest or mage magics can be bought with gold, and are restricted to their level, i.e. the more level your hero possesses, the more magics he will be able to buy. These magics are used in combat and some are very powerful, as long as the hero attacks motivated. However, level 1 and level 2 magics can be cast even if your hero attacks unmotivated.
List of skills
Sneak Attack
- In rounds 1 and 2 the attacks provoke damage x3.
Two-weapon attack ===
- Always gain 20% more damage.
Aggressive attack
- At troops with defense less than 20, deals damage x2.
Expert archer
- To flying troops, deals damage x3.
Dance of death
- Decreases the morale -20% of all the troops it attacks.
- Decreases the speed by -20% of all those troops it attacks.
- Increases the morale by 50% of all the troops of his army.
Attack Master
- Increases the attack by 10% of all the troops of your army.
Defense master
- Increases the defense by 10% of all the troops in your army.
- Recover a certain amount of troops during combat.
Undead knowledge =
- Any troop attacks with 10% damage against undead.
Dragon knowledge
- Any troop does x3 damage against Dragons.
Setting traps
- Random additional attacks during the whole combat with a 50% bonus to the hero's normal damage.
Terrain Knowledge
- Decreases -8% to the attacks and defenses of enemy troops during the whole combat.
- The hero attacks at night with advantage, therefore all his troops gain 8% to the damage.
Internal assault
- If the hero attacks a city with defensive system type Ultra-defensive or Counteroffensive, all his troops gain 10% to attack, defense, damage, speed and morale.
External assault
- If the hero attacks a city with defensive system type External Struggle or Ambush, all his troops gain 10% to attack, defense, damage, speed and morale.
Fleeting Attack
- The hero's troops attack with 1 in speed.
Lightning Attack =
- The hero's troops attack with 2 in speed.
Magic armor
- The armor absorbs 50% of the damage the hero's troops take.
- The hero counts as 5 levels higher when performing a quest.
For Mage heroes
Magical Missile (N1)
- Magic attack that causes 150 points of damage 10/Level.
Bloodlust (N1) == == == For Mage heroes == ==
Bloodlust (N1)
- Increases a troop's damage output by 20% until the end of the battle.
Fiery Hands (N1)
- Fire attack that causes 200 points of damage 5/level.
= Swiftness (N2) = *Increases the speed of several troops by 20% until the end of the battle.
- Increases the speed of several troops by 50% until the end of the battle.
Enlarge (N2)
- Increases the attack by 40% and reduces -20% the speed of several troops until the end of the battle.
Invisibility (N2)
- Increases the defense by 30% of several troops until the end of the battle.
Lightning Strike (N3)
- Lightning type attack that causes 500 40 damage 40/Level.
Aura of terror (N3)
- Several troops gain the
Terror ability until the end of the battle.
Imbue Weapons (N3)
- Several troops change their attack type to Magic and damage 20% until the end of the battle.
= Fireball (N4) = *Fireball (N4) = *Fire type attack that provokes a fireball.
- Fire type attack that causes 800 points of damage 50/Level.
Cause Blindness (N4)
- An enemy troop reduces its damage by -50% until the end of the battle.
Fly (N4) =
- Several troops gain the ability to fly until the end of the battle.
Lightning storm (N5)
- Lightning type attack that causes 1200 damage 100/level.
Inferno (N5)
- Fire type attack that causes 2000 points of damage 50/level.
Wind of death (N5)
- Magic type attack that causes 1000 points of damage 130/Level. Does not affect Undead, Elementals and Golems.
For Priest heroes == == For Priest heroes
Healing (N1)
- Recovers a certain amount of troops fallen in combat. Does not affect Undead, Golems and Elementals.
Shield (N1) == = =
Shield (N1) == = = Shield (N1)
- Several troops gain the ability of Magic Defense N1.
= Blessing (N1) = *Increases the attack by 3%.
- Increases the attack by 20% of several troops until the end of the battle.
Curse (N2)
- Reduces the attack by -30% of several enemy troops until the end of the battle.
Stoneskin (N2) =
- Several troops gain the ability Protection against hit and increase their defense by 20% until the end of the battle.
= Fire and ice protection (N2) = *Several troops gain the Fire and ice protection ability.
- Several troops gain the
Fire protection and Ice ability until the end of the battle.
Paralyze (N3)
- An enemy troop reduces its speed by -50% and its attack and defense by -40% until the end of the battle.
Courage (N3) =
- Several troops gain the
Courage ability until the end of the battle.
Steel skin (N3)
- Several troops gain the Piercing, Striking and Slashing Protection skill until the end of the battle. In addition they also increase their defense by 20%.
Resuscitate (N4)
- Recovers a large amount of troops fallen in combat. Does not affect Undead, Golems and Elementals.
= Sacred Vortex (N4) = *Magic type attack.
- Magic type attack that causes 800 damage 20/level, against Undead it causes double.
Resistance (N4)
- Increases life 40% to several troops until the end of the battle.
Black armor (N5)
- Increase defense 80%, and damage and health 60% to one of your troops.
Nullify magic (N5)
- Nullify the Magic Attacks N1 N2 N3 and Magic Defenses N1 N2 N3 abilities of all enemy troops.
Combat Aura (N5)
- All your troops gain N1 Magic Attack and N1 Magic Defense.
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