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1-6-1.jpg Amazonas (N6)

Race: Human
Attack type: Slashing
32 ATAQUE_mini.png30 DEFENSA_mini.png12 DANO_mini.png
70 VIDA_mini.png10 VELOCIDAD_mini.png12 MORAL_mini.png
Special Abilities


In the thick of the Lustrian jungle, death can take a thousand different forms, but none of them is more certain than provoking the wrath of the women who live in the deepest recesses of the jungle.

The Amazons are a group of women whose origin is unknown. Their skin has the heavily tanned tint of the tropic sun, and their long hair appears to have been bleached almost to white. They dress in skins of Eslizones. These garments can range from full dress, including masks depicting the heads of these reptiles, to simple pieces of armor that leave exposed and bare arms and legs as well as body parts. The skins, which look very similar to those of snakes once they are spread out and dry, serve as both clothing and armor, as they do not have any type of textile fabric and do not work with metal. The skins with brighter colors and more spectacular motifs are the most appreciated and sought after. Their fur is smeared with resin, dyed in exotic colors and fixed to imitate the crest of the Slizons.

The weapons wielded by the Amazons are blades of unknown origin and manufacture. From the belts of these warriors hang tails, especially the long feathered tails of the great tropical birds, so that they dangle behind them. These tails are awarded as rewards for deeds of valor in combat. The more spectacular the tail, the higher the status of the warrior among the Amazons. The Amazons adorn themselves with thick gold and jade bracelets, ruffs, belts, belts and earrings.




DANO_mini.png DAMAGE

VIDA_mini.png LIFE


MORAL_mini.png MORAL

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