What are they?
Adversities are effects that cause a total paralysis of the activity of a city. This means that if it is affected by an adversity, the city will not be able to produce anything, neither resources, nor fame, nor troops, nor turns.
Adversities are individual for each city, so if you have several cities in your empire, the total production of the empire will be partially affected until the adversity disappears or you remove it.
How are they produced?
From step 5 of the game (counting from step 1), they could appear randomly in any city of your empire. When one or more of the statuses in a city (Happiness, Culture, Religion, etc.) is marked with a red cross , the city is in danger of falling into an adversity the next day. The danger of adversity can be seen from the Your Empire page in the A/P column with the symbol
named in the game as "alarm".
The alarm tells you that that city is in danger of falling into adversity at the next day step. It is not 100% certain that this will happen, but the probability is high. Thanks to this alarm, you will be able to perform tasks to improve the city's status (marked with a red cross) and thus avoid adversity.
A city under adversity is totally unproductive, so we recommend that you pay attention to the alarms after each day's passage.
How long do they last?
As we saw above, a city under adversity, does not produce, nor grows, nor generates troops, and you have to wait an undetermined number of days until it disappears.
Each day there is a probability that it will be removed by itself or we can resort to the Fame collected in that city to remove the adversity, so it is a good strategy to always have a minimum of 60 fame in all cities.
To avoid falling into adversities, it is advisable to increase the buildings that directly affect the problem of the city, such as Colosseum to increase Happiness or Wells that increase Hygiene. Also some policies help to decrease the probability of adversities.
Random adversities
Most of the adversities are caused by the bad state of the cities and as we saw above, with a good maintenance they are completely avoided.
However, even keeping everything in good condition, that is to say with the green ticks , it is possible to fall in the adversities Earthquake or Flood, which are uncontrollable and random phenomena.
During the first five steps of the game, no random adversity can appear in the empires to avoid problems at startup. It should be clarified that this is only counted from the start of the game, not from when the empire is registered. For example, if the game has been started for 6 days and you register your empire, you will not be subject to this adversity restriction.
Adversities by attacks
There are two types of random adversities that are produced by an attack of Dark Elves or Undead race, in which attacks won have a 15% chance of leaving the city with adversity. These adversities cannot be avoided, unless you win with your defense.
Adversity mechanics
When a city raises the alarm, it is very likely that at the next day step, the city will fall into adversity. If it does, that day will still generate its full production as the adversity will be scheduled for the next step and the same will appear surrounded by an illuminated box and a sign indicating the type of adversity that affects it along with the losses it will cause.
In the section to buy troops, there is also a sign at the top of the page informing that when the day passes that city will not generate new troops.
Then the indicated adversity will become effective only at the next step, so in the daily productions everything will be reflected in zero.
Each day that passes a probability of removing the adversity is calculated, and if it is not removed (alone or with fame), the mechanism starts again leaving the city unproductive in the next step.
List of Adversities
PLAGUE: Because of low hygiene. Produces loss of population.
MAFIAS: Because of high corruption. Gems, jewels, mithril and crystal are lost.
PROTESTS: Because of low happiness. Gold is lost.
THEFTS: Because of high unemployment. Much gold is lost.
GODS' PUNISHMENT: Because of low religion. Much karma is lost.
MILITARY REVOLT: Because of low culture. Loss of 20% troops available for purchase.
HUNGER: When the population and its army consume more water and food than the city produces.
BLACK PESTE: Because of an attack by an undead army, 15% of the time. Population loss.
HOSTAGE: Because of an attack by a dark elf army. Each attack has a 15% chance of causing this adversity.
EARTHQUAKE: Some buildings are destroyed. Chance appears, although with low probability.
FLOODS: A lot of food is lost. Chance appears with low probability.
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